• Apart Of Me


    She is the karma at heart.
    She is something I'm apart.
    She is something I cannot deny.
    She is the dream in which I die.

    She is what keeps my eyes open.
    She keeps me from the coping.
    She keeps me crying at night.
    She is the one who shuts off the light.

    She keeps all my pain real.
    She is something I can almost feel.
    She is what makes the pain longer.
    She is something that makes me stronger.

    She is something with open arms.
    She is something that harms.
    She is what wipes away what is fake.
    She is something I cannot break.

    She reminds me I will never be enough.
    She reminds me I am filled with empty stuff.
    She is the doubt.
    She is the voice I cannot block-out.

    She reminds me there is no 'happily ever after'
    She reminds me of pain I cannot erase with laughter.
    She reminds me someday I will die.
    She tells me the limit is higher then the sky.

    She is something in which I cannot live with-out.
    She is the anger and hate with-in my shout.
    She is something in which is in my love.
    She brings in the reality in what it was forgotten but made up of.

    She takes out all the faces- in which I've grown to close to.
    She brings me to terms- that best friends will always fade away- if it wasn't true.
    She is something in my survival
    She is the time in my arrival.

    She is not the evil in this world- but the one of this life.
    She shows me problems won't fade away with a knife-
    She is not the pure and joy in the world- but the one in this life.
    She shows me that one day I could make the most amazing wife.

    She is something in which I cannot live with-out
    She is the doubt.
    She is something I love.
    She is something in which life is made-up of.
    She is something I hate-
    She is something that I appreciate.
    She is something inside my soul.
    She is what only truly makes me whole.
    She is what kills me for the better.
    She is the one sent personally-in that black letter.
    She is in my heart.

    I am something she is apart.
