• Finding love in this lonely world
    Was like finding a needle in a haystack
    Discovering a diamond in the sand
    Nailing jelly to a tree
    Or so it seemed...

    Something that just wasn't worth the effort
    The countless disappointments
    The tears...
    The hurt...
    Weighing down the fragile heart
    When something that felt like love
    Turned out to be a sham
    A red herring

    Love was something that was only found in the movies
    In books
    In the imagination...
    A sort of pipe dream

    But even pipe dreams can become a reality
    Love can find you when you least expect it
    When you cease looking
    It springs out of nowhere
    Like a long lost friend
    A best friend
    A lover

    You find that needle in the haystack
    And when you do, you realise it's something special
    The real thing
    Something worth waiting for

    I found my diamond in the sand
    And it's the most valuable diamond i could ever hope to own
    It's you...but i no longer have her..

    so know im stuck was that my diamond?..i think so..but does she?? cry