• I wish I could be there to embrace you, but my hands can stretch only so far
    Even from miles away, I feel your pain
    In the palm of my hand, I catch your tears as they fall
    In the sight of my eyes, I see your misery and anguish
    I wish I could hold your hand and never let you go, but you're slipping away from my grasp
    And as the rain falls, all hope and dreams are lost
    As you walk away, I follow behind trying to find a way to reach out
    With each step you take, your memories of happiness fade away
    With each step I take, I promise to catch them and keep them safe
    Each scream you cry, I vow that I will be the one to comfort you
    When you fall, I'll be the one to catch you
    I'll be the one to save you; death will never do us part
    When I catch you, I will never let you go
    I'll give you your memories and happiness
    And may light shine in your eyes again
    For ever, my love