• No one who cares
    No one who knows
    Alone with no one but yourself to care

    Love is an emotion you and i dont have any more
    It is pointless
    When u can only feel sadness and pain
    Then u know you can no longer love

    When no one cares
    You feel alone
    You and i are alike in some ways

    We both can not love
    We are both unloved
    We are both uncared for

    No one noticed that you are sad
    No one cares how you feel

    They dont see you
    They only look through you
    You are invisable to him to her

    They are a happy
    But are you

    They are loved
    Are you

    They are cared for
    Do you have anyone like that

    No one cares
    No one knows
    You are alone in the world
    With no one but yourself