• Many can't resist the temptation of instigation
    They love to watch and wait for the tears to fade
    As innocent people become children once more
    Until they adopt the masquerade.

    Oblivious to the world and it's sharp corners
    Boys blindly grope the air, until they feel the pain
    Of those corners, and they become children once more
    Until they adopt the masquerade.

    Either the guardian angels were busy drinking coffee,
    Or the spiritual saviors were a minute too late
    To protect them from becoming children once more
    Until they adopt the masquerade.

    The tears seemed to be never ending
    The pool of agony seemed to be too deep to wade
    And their mental bruises make them become children once more
    Until they adopt the masquerade.

    I was one of them, I'd cry all night
    After I've heard things I never thought people would say.
    When no one was looking, I became a child once more
    Until I adopted the masquerade.

    I couldn't believe the cruelty and insanity of those who were unjustly
    Their actions and words scarring me more than I can with a machete.
    They hurt me even after they took what I gave
    Until I adopted the masquerade.

    I learned to mask my feelings, make them run and hide
    So nobody can see the pain I felt inside.
    They were still cruel, unjust, and insane.
    But I adopted the masquerade.

    Damn straight I can still feel pain!
    Every moment of the day, every second ticking by
    There seems to be someone who says hi,
    Then pushes me to the ground with their words and
    As they played their demonic little game
    I stood up, and they ran away like criminals before justice,
    Like cowards before honor, like traitors before friends,
    Like children before my masquerade!