• Questions about fire
    seems like broken wires....
    .... they never die
    and i don't know why.

    They make me feel abrupt
    from bottom to top..
    I don't really know why
    that they they always seem so sublime.

    I sometimes talk and walk
    but i feel like i'm beeing stalked

    Fear never devours me
    because i feel bravery
    but lonely as can be......

    I don't need any help at all
    all I need is Blazing fire to stall

    when i was just a kid
    I always played with burning sticks
    and they never burn me
    maybe because i was defenseless and a cutie

    but don't be tricked by their light
    and get out of their sight

    Sometimes you ma hear crackles and sounds
    those are what they make as living howls

    Never get too close to them
    but if you do
    you might get to be sewed...
    by a little needle
    with a lot of cries and no giggles........