• should i link this page into your heart?
    will it make it whole or will it leave it half?
    do i have to do anything about it at all?
    and do i have to take another nap?

    skin tissue has formed since the last time you ripped me apart
    that time it hurt to heal for it took infinity and a half for the wounds to close

    there is still hope
    hope that the needle can penetrate something so hard and thick
    like a piece of meat and cold moldy hard loafs of bread

    there is still fear
    fear that can manipulate any thought provoking any sense of a killer
    like a knife piercing in the middle of the night or diving into a dead-cold pool of water

    and finally there is never really any thing worth more than happiness

    so how much are you willing to pay for it?? will it cost you your life?? your wife??
    your money?? your limbs?? yes one by one these things become useless at the mercy
    of happiness.

    and we realize too late that it isn't a truly defined "happy" this fake happiness
    it is just a thought provoked by the real feeling felt inside of you. so what's it gonna be??

    are you in for it??
    are you ready for it??

    you will regret ever loving (lusting more like)
    hey, it's a natural feeling, regret, it reminds you that it is bad
    like a rotten egg with its stench clearing the air and creating disgust
    or grated cheese on your hands with an oxidized metal mauler
    time will manipulate your skin and make you old
    just like me when i manipulate your trust and abuse it and lose it.

    because i don't care.