• i m a g i n e

    a w o r l d

    w i t h o u t

    Y O U

    Maybe I love you, maybe I don't... but I don't care. If you don't love me back, it's okay. I'm happy

    just being by your side, laughing and having fun with you. Even at the times you don't talk to

    me. It may hurt, but I still love you. A lot. You can love her, that other girl, my best friend. I think

    she's lucky... to have a kind person like you watching over her. Maybe you feel the same way I

    do? Since she's with someone else. She does feel bad because of her reply to you, but it'll be

    okay. You'll find someone that's just for you and only you. No one else. I hope I do too...

    O n e d a y.