• you make me want to stand up straight, fix my hair [you remind me of my terrible posture]
    you make me laugh in the stuffiest situations and the lamest parties [nothing else does]
    you make me relax [i am so comfortable with you]
    you make me not want to wear slutty clothes [they make me feel not good enough for you]
    you make me confused as hell [why do these thoughts run through my head]
    you make me smile at your triumphs, successes, and discoveries [your wins are my wins]
    you make me want to finish my ice cream [even when i know i shouldn't]
    you make me forget about the ugly world [your beauty is enough]
    you make me want to learn [i feel slightly out of the loop, next to you]
    you make me want to ignore boundaries [i can say anything i want to you and not care at all]
    you make my feet feel small [even though they're size eight]
    you make me want to care more [sarcasm soils your halo]
    you make me a daredevil [you are my parachute]
    you inspire me [this lame poem is all for you]
    you make my commute interesting [who else would i think about on the 45 minute bus ride?]
    you make me dream of better things [like when i can be with you]
    you make me feel all music [Obstacle 1 has more meaning now]
    you make me want to sing at the top of my lungs [who cares if i'm tone deaf?]
    you make my insecurities disappear [i don't need anyone else's approval]
    you are my shoulder to cry on [i know that you'll be there for me when i need you]
    you helped me be wise [high school is only high school, after all]

    i love you.