• Dear Diary:

    Maybe you can see Im a free soul
    My heart runs like a thousand horses in the desert
    And my thougths are three speed cyclones
    I was free until that day... the day that an important part of me died
    My heat fall into pieces slowly and a dusty smog locked me in a hard iron cage
    Hardest than wood and hardest that my now fragile body
    I used to be so happy How this could happen?
    Now im sitting in a corner while others are breaking free
    Enjoying the freedom that one day was mine
    And taking away my happy times that once were saved 4 one day I could feel, hear and sightly breath, live them second to second
    But now I cant, cuz im locked here and im slowly desintegrating, dyin so alone as I used to live, alone but anyways happy and free...