• A cold frostbitten place unknown to man.
    Man doesn't dare to step one foot in that place,
    for that place is something no one would dare to step.

    Great howls are heard,
    footsteps crunch through the thick blanket of snow.
    For the snow even shivers at the sight of these beasts,
    during a full moon.

    tonight is a full moon.
    With that i will pray,
    hoping that they will come for me one day,
    so that I can run trudging through the snow,
    and the snow can shiver at the sight of me.

    Man wouldn't dare step one foot near me,
    man wouldn't dare to try and find out about this place.

    This place i call home,
    This place i call my dream.
    My full moon will rise one day,
    and may those beautiful beasts come for me,
    so that we can both howl at the full moon together.

    For our world is as mysterious to man as,
    the dark side of the moon.