• A look... . A shout... .
    A cold rain in the night wood.
    A hand or a sword... .
    A hail on the open fields.

    Paws on the skin.
    Teeth tear down into the meat.
    Hammers smashing your skull.
    Spears lift you to the sky.

    No shield will protect you.
    No joy will sing.
    Only the rage crashes you.
    All your time dwindles with a slash.

    Your eyes sink,
    From red into the deep black.
    And fires eat your soul.
    Thus the cinder of your bones,

    Forgotten in the blood of that, what had born the death.

    Sensually each of your tears,
    They caresses my skin... . She allows to shake.
    Only my luck hangs on your life,
    As if it's bound to everything and everybody... .

    Is it only one cut on your white skin.
    Burnt meat at the break of dawn.
    Is it even one single drop,
    From the well of your sufferings.

    Scream to the sky.
    Shout after freedom. After compassion.
    However, I will not grant it to you.
    Since your soul and body grief,

    Forgotten in the blood of that, what gives so much pleasure to me... .