• A snowy morning in mid-December
    I went outside to find a dove
    White as white and I still remember
    How the bird gazed at me with love

    A bird can't gaze, or so they said,
    But, I gazed back, thinking I was dreaming
    Soon, I realized I was not and wished to return to bed
    But as I turned, the dove called out, "Things are not as they are appearing."

    At first I believed myself insane
    And quickly ran into the house
    But, when I went back to look out the window pane,
    The dove was still watching, quiet now as a mouse

    The bird was waiting, or so it appeared
    But what was he waiting for?
    So, I went outside again, insanity, though, I still feared
    The bird, I expected to take to the sky and soar

    But, no, not this bird.
    He swooped down from the tree, and turned into a man.
    I felt as though I would wake up, but it was no dream, that he assured.
    Tall, clothed in white, handsome as could be, and for winter, he had a nice tan.

    He came to me and got on one knee
    And pulled out a ring
    Certainly this surprised me
    But, what could I say? He made my heart sing.

    I married the dove-man the very next day
    We lived together for many years
    Until he drove me into tears

    I was not the only one the dove came for
    I was the tenth, and many more came
    He made a woman's heart soar
    Until she grew to feel the same

    He hides us away
    And never lets us go
    He hurts us every way
    Expecting us to stay

    When we die, he burns our memory
    And no one sees us again
    For all of us who suffered, I am sorry
    Don't fall for the dove, the horror of men

    He'll hurt you, destroy you
    Til nothing be left over
    Then he'll kill you, spill blood and forget you
    No one will find you, ever

    And forever you will lay away
    Some place I don't even know
    Just as we do, and wait for him to come back and say:
    "Your time is up. I've come to steal you today."