• Winter

    An old man once told me that Winter is the best season of all seasons, because there is many helpful things about it and it's one of the most beautifulest names in the whole universe.


    The Snow Flakes are what create snow and whom starts the whole story of winter, without snowflakes there would'nt be much use for Winter or any other season. This special puzzle piece of Winter helps our flowers, plants and trees grown in the spring.


    Christmas is another important puzzle pieces to Winter because without this there may not have been a begining to the new world god has created with the help of Jesus Chris our Saviour and our best friend ever.

    New Years

    New Years is another Fun filled puzzle piece of Winter and a special day to celebrate a New Year. New Years has changed many, many peoples lifes and how they live and we could tell how grateful to have this occation. Without it, Winter will never be complete, without it winter is one of the lamest seasons of the Year because it will be filled with sorrow, pain and illness.


    On this season we have a lot of fun, and fun is another puzzle piece to Winter because without Fun not a lot of people would be happy on Christmas or New Years or even this season it would be very boring.

    Now you all see the use of Winter even if it's really cold and everyone is sick you will still have that smile on your face that Winter has finaly come.