• My, my what a thing to do.
    Even though I already knew.
    I knew you would leave me.
    Right from the start.
    It feels like it was meant to be.
    That you and me shall be apart.

    On second hand why would you lie?
    If you knew it would have destroyed our lives.
    Even now it's difficult for me not to cry.
    And having my heart throb like cutting knives.

    You called me names.
    I bit my lip.
    Wondering if you had ever felt shame.
    I still miss your hands that held my hip.
    And recognizing the warmth of your embrace.
    I would always look up and saw your face.

    Now memories burn inside my head.
    When my thoughts are all drowned in a mourning pool.
    How could I sleep peacefully in bed?
    When now I look at you as a pathetic fool.