• You've been through a lot, love
    You've been through hell and back
    Your hearts been broken
    I know you've been used
    Things can only get better from here

    Your falling way from life, love
    Your drifting away from reality
    Your arms are bloody
    How sad, you've been used
    Things can only get better from here

    Your heart must have broken like glass, love
    Shattered and busted and broken
    Your arms are still bloody
    Your still being used
    Things can only get better from here

    You won't trust anyone now, love
    You just can't trust with your heart
    Your wounds have stopped bleeding
    Your not being used
    Things can only get better from here

    You've found some one very special, love
    This young suitor has caught your eye
    Your wounds are now healing
    You won't be used
    Things can only get better from here

    He belongs to someone else, love
    But your fine with just being friends
    Your wounds are still healing
    And your not being used
    Things can only get better from here

    He likes you after all, love
    He would like to be with you
    Your wounds will get better
    And you won't get used
    Things can only get better from here

    You found the love of your life, love
    And now your nothing but happy
    Your wounds have scared over
    You will not be used
    And things only
    Got better
    From there