• I stumble into the darkness
    I cannot see; that's just fine
    I like it better that way
    The darkness engulfs me
    I feel no fear, no pain
    Just the numbness that comes with the dark
    The darkness moves to suffocate me
    I feel it pulling at my throat
    Any hope of crying out is long lost
    I cannot cry now
    So I push that thought behind me
    And move on
    The nonexistent tears shudder at my eyes
    Forcing them to close
    Bringing on more darkness than before
    the black turns to red
    My eyes open and I see a light
    pure light, not wasted in this darkness
    The pitch recedes; I can breathe again
    and with the breath comes tiny sobs
    The tears forcing their way out
    trails of water lining my face
    My being turns from the light in shame
    I need this light
    But I don't want to need it
    I'm weak; this light proves it
    I cannot conquer this darkness
    The light calls to me
    A beautiful bell like sound
    It tells me I cannot do this alone
    I realize truth and turn back
    The light blinding me again
    I embrace it as my tears slow
    And finally halt
    The light makes me feathery
    So much lighter than the darkness
    The darkness has no hold on me now
    Not when I am embraced in light
    Protecting light, beautiful light
    My light