• No more, please no more.
    Shut me away, lock the door.
    I’m a monster to the world and a distress to society.
    Don’t just preach to me those lies, don’t stand on your soap box so high and mighty.
    I see no reason to keep me here.
    Because all you want to see is a tear.
    I will deny you the satisfaction.
    Your perfect world minus me, do the subtraction!
    You made my heart break,
    It’s never give just take!

    How much more to you plan to do?
    You know that you’ve already cut me through.
    Sentence me away for good,
    Like you always knew you should.
    Did you give me up or did you tire,
    Of a girl who couldn’t be shyer?
    Someone should put you into place,
    While I make my grand fall from grace.
    What an awful way to love and lost,
    Why had our paths crossed?!

    It ended so bad,
    And then you were mad.
    And I don’t seem to get,
    How I was entwined in your net?
    The biggest mistake,
    The big mess that you make,
    In my lonesome heart…
    That for so long had been apart.
    My fairy tale,
    Bright colors gone pale.
    I see no worth,
    Just an expanding girth.

    Yet I feel fine…