• I like to pretend things are okay,
    But reality is not today.
    I will come and hold you tight,
    And then make love to you in the night.
    I will whisper I love you in your ear,
    And your eyes will tell me what I desire to hear.
    I am happy in this world of mine,
    Until you tell me it’s my own design.
    Things are not happy, as they seem,
    And the reality will tear you at the seams.
    I do not wish to hurt you,
    But what you are doing is sure to.
    I cannot help it I want you near,
    And not to pretend is what I fear.
    If I let go of this,
    I fear too much I will miss,
    I will truly miss that kiss.
    I fear I will loose this bliss,
    My heart cannot exist,
    You will be hard to resist.
    I like to pretend,
    But I know it will only hurt me in the end