• What do I look like?
    Freaking Superman?
    Perhaps Chuck Norris?
    No. I’m no hero.
    Not even close.
    Don’t get me wrong,
    I’m not the villain.
    Joker, the Green Goblin,
    I’m not like them.
    I’m just your average Joe.
    Nothing special, a nobody.
    Then again,
    Everyone starts out as a nobody.
    They choose their own path,
    Turn into the hero or villain.
    Not to sound rude or anything,
    But heroes are goody two-shoes.
    I mean, think about it.
    Most people, they don’t care.
    They’re not obsessed with serving justice.
    The villains, they’re the opposite.
    They’re the most selfish, cruel people here.
    But me, I’m neither the hero nor the villain.
    Maybe, the heroes are the villains.
    If life’s supposed to be unfair,
    Then heroes are being villainous by serving justice;
    Making everything too good to be true.
    Actually, I’m starting to think they don’t exist.
    Not in the comic book sense, anyway.
    People, they all have talents;
    Their own unique “superpower”.
    They can do with it as they wish.
    Sometimes they help, sometimes they hurt.
    But in the end,
    What it all comes down to,
    Is that Batman won’t save you.
    Superman won’t stop that plane crash.
    The villains,
    They’re out there.
    Not with silly costumes and dorky names,
    But they’re all too real.
    As for the heroes,
    They’re the nobodies.
    You and me,
    Whether you want to or not,
    We’re the heroes.
    We’re the ones who have to put some balance
    In this nightmare.
    We’re all Underdogs.
    And you know what?
    Maybe someday,
    I will be Superman.