• What age have we entered, when the ones we give power forget that we did so?
    When the rich live isolated from the troubles of others,
    when homeless are deemed bugs on our shoes?

    We trust a mob with suits more than we trust or loved ones,
    Ignore the pleas of others, and yet expect to be heard when grieving.

    We are impressed by numbers, and speeches.
    We befriend those we don't even know, because of their beauty and career.

    We are annoyed when others triumph over us,
    and use turmoil as excuses for money.

    We hurt ourselves and others, to merely forget for a moment, our own misery.
    We are blind to the unfairness and hypocriticalness before us.

    We vote for the one with the fanciest suit and saddest story
    while the old man who tells the truth is forgotten.

    We expect laws to protect us even when we see them twisted and distorted before our eyes.
    Instead of looking at our window, we watch the dancing lights.

    When we are young our minds are simple and right,
    but as we grow, something happens to corrupt us.

    We close our minds to anything we don't like, until there is undeniable proof,
    instead of hearing the word of a witness.

    We claim something has changed our lives, even though we will forget it, and will never take it into account.

    This poem has been skipped by some, in fear of length,
    but not by you.

    This poem will change nothing in your mind.