• Why do you focus on so much pain?
    Where are your happy memories?
    Are they lost, or have they been stolen
    By the darkness that surrounds you?

    If it has then rise, my dear;
    Let trust, let faith raise you.
    Believe, not for others, but for yourself
    To light the single candle by your side

    Can you even find your match?
    Where is your hope that kindles the flame?
    Has it fallen through your sorrows,
    Or has it been wasted away be tears?

    If it has then spread wings, my child;
    Let life be the guide out your pit.
    Learn, not from experience, but from heart
    To find your happiness in the sky

    Can you even see above?
    Can you even open your eyes?
    Have they been blinded by hate,
    Or have they been cut out from so much loss?

    If they have then feel, my friend;
    Let love be your senses and become your sight.
    Smile, not in motion, but in your soul
    To finally be free from your darkness

    Believe; in your Trust and light your match.
    Learn; from Life and spread your wings.
    Smile; for Love and be free from pain.

    …I’ll be waiting