• It's pitch black.
    All I hear is winds of swords and
    screams of terror.
    I put my hands over my ears.
    Blood dripped between my fingers.
    Have I been slashed?
    I peer into the dark. I see eyes.
    Who's eyes shall those be?
    As I peer in closer,
    the color is red.
    Blood red.
    Then I see glistening, white teeth.
    "Come here, my dear,"
    I stood up, wobbling from lacking strength,
    and walked slowly to the horrid eyes.
    Just a foot away, a cold hand touched
    my cheek.
    Lips have reached my neck,
    I start to scream.
    "Shush, my dear. No needn't to scream in fear."
    Tears met his lips,
    as he inhaled the smell
    of my blood.
    A purr escaped his throat in pleasure.