• My fingers touch the ivory keys
    This is when I’m me

    My heart races
    And my body sways back and forth

    This is what I live for

    This is my first language
    My air
    My soul

    I am a 17-year-old
    A high school student
    A daughter
    A sister
    A friend
    But I am this first

    Sitting behind the ivory keys
    You can see the real me
    My joy in small things
    My fear of the future
    My passion for those close to me

    Out from behind the ivory keys
    I’m clumsy and loud
    Stubborn and proud
    I hide in the sweatshirt and jeans
    Rarely saying what I mean
    You need to read between the lines
    I’m actually very shy

    When my fingers touch the ivory keys
    I may look like I can not see
    But you can’t sense my vulnerability

    Terrified of how it sounds to you
    Nervous about what you’ll say or do
    My life is lived through the ivory keys
    My feelings are turned into sound

    In the ivory keys
    I find comfort
    I find fear
    I find passion
    I find tears

    With the ivory keys
    I find love
    I find life
    I find sadness
    I find delight

    In the ivory keys
    I find me