• Finding that she wants to put a gun to her head
    Pull the trigger
    Forget everyone around her
    Forget everything around her
    Fall to the ground
    Let the blood rush out
    Close her eyes
    And never see the world again

    Finding that she wants to see more
    Run away from her home
    Walk out on the road
    Live her dream
    But forget the rest of the world and live on her own

    Finding that she needs to be herself
    Who she is
    Who needs to live the way she wants
    Who finds out that she is great the way she is
    Who doesn't need to do anything to change her
    Finding that she is who she is
    She doesn't need to run away to the open road
    She doesn't need to take the gun,put it to her head,and pull the trigger
    She is her amazing, beautiful self.