• His name is help.
    Up in her apartment she covers her ears.
    Outside people are screaming in pain.
    But she doesn’t know them and their different then her.
    There’s no way she should help them.
    Their screaming stop and she knows there’s been another murder.
    She peeks out the window…
    A man knells in front of two injured people.
    He reaches out his hand and both are healed.
    Food appears in front of them.
    “Who are you” screams the woman.
    He looks up and smiles.
    Elsewhere a girl is walking home from a friend’s house.
    She hums to herself.
    And suddenly she is graved from behind and pushed down.
    She yells for help but no one comes.
    The man covers her mouth with an evil grin.
    A different man appears and graves the man from behind.
    He throws the would be rapist off the girl and smiles.
    “Who are you” she stammers.
    A child falls to his knees, clinging bread to his chest.
    He’s so hungry, but he has to feed his sister.
    At 13, she’s going to have a baby.
    He looks longingly at the food and whispers “Help.”
    He stumbles into the box they call home and gasps.
    A man is there giving his sister food.
    And there’s plenty left for him.
    “You’re not alone” the man says.
    “Please, sir, who are you?” the boy whimpers.
    “Help” his shape shivers and starts to dissapear.
    “What are you?” the girl whispers.