- Sleep the sleep of a child, And dream of dragons soaring wild; Bright of eye and wise of thought -- The Ancients and their magicks wrought. Lay within a warm cocoon And dream of dragons as they commune; Graceful neck bowed as tales are told Of dragons borne in a time of olde. Dance within the dream's embrace, And dream of dragons -- this star born race. Wise and mighty with immortal soul; Their greatest treasure -- the hearts they stole. Smile sweetly; the heart beats deep, and dream of dragons till dawn does creep. Our souls they soar on wings above, As the dragons vow to forever love.
- by Xx Ignius Umbra xX |
- Poetry And Lyrics
- | Submitted on 03/01/2009 |
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- Title: Dragon Lament
- Artist: Xx Ignius Umbra xX
- Description: A pretty poem I wrote
- Date: 03/01/2009
- Tags: dragon lament
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