• What is death?

    Death is cold as marble in winter

    Black as the sky on a moonless night

    You feel it spreading through you body

    The ice in your blood, the pounding of your heart

    Your life flashs before you

    You think of what you've done... what you haven't

    You start regretting and wishing for more time

    You ask, why me, why now?

    Your heart feels like a rock in your chest, pounding

    Thump, thump, thump

    Your time is almost up

    What will your last words be?

    Who will be the ones you wish to see?

    Do you think you'll go to heaven, or hell?

    Who really knows, who can really tell

    Some say you'll see a bright light at the end of the tunnel

    Or the black, searing flames of hell.

    What about Nirvana, paradise?

    Where will you go?

    If you believe enough you will know

    Death is part of life

    Where one things dies

    Another grows

    Your family, your friends, your children

    Believe that you will see them again

    Cherish the memorys, the last few seconds

    Your body feels numb

    Your mind is hazy

    Whatever caused you to die is now gone

    In a way death is the sweetest release

    But not the answer to your problems

    Life is meant to be enjoyed

    For each second, minute, hour or day that goes by

    You are even closer to when you'll die

    Breath in he moments, the feelings

    Your heart feebly beats once and no more

    It's black

    Where am I?

    Whats going on?

    The question is, what happens after death

    Only you can know