• I never know when you are here;
    I never know when you leave.
    Always you watch me,
    But you never let me see.

    Had you never written,
    I never would have known,
    But instead of feeling scared,
    I no longer felt alone.

    In fact I thought I loved you,
    Even though we’d never spoken,
    Always in the written word,
    But never in the open.

    Suddenly the letters cease.
    No longer do you write.
    I was just a passing fascination;
    I know that I am right.

    If you were trying to hurt me
    You have failed miserably.
    Now my heart is back
    Under lock and key.

    I should have never let you in,
    Should have never cracked my armor
    But now that it is back inside
    The locks are even stronger.

    No one will be let in,
    You killed their chances.
    My locks will never be broken.
    No matter what the circumstances.