• The Love of the world
    What you make of the world
    Is what you make of it
    But some make pain out of love
    Some make pain out of hate
    I make love out of pain and find pain in life

    Pain in life is well pain
    Pain is pain
    I feel I cry I sleep
    I get happy I get sad
    I eat I sleep I cry
    People that I love
    I will die
    Keeping the safe ones I love safe
    I will die
    If I have to die
    To keep them safe I will
    That is a code I live by
    People I love are over all
    What I hold most of all
    My heart is filled
    With love, pain, happy, sad
    I feel them all yet
    I do not see the body of the Shadows that lay and wait
    The people I cant get out of my mind
    They wait they stand
    But when I see there faces all I can think is I miss
    You and him
    Her and him them
    Both of the ones I love
    People in my life that I love more then any thing
    There is a 3rd one that came to me when I needed it most out of the darkness
    The love that 3rd one shows is red as a flower and light as the sun
    I love them and hope to never lose them