• When the blood and the dagger hit the floor,
    The bright gleam of life, left her eyes...
    How much did she despise that putrid criminal mind?
    Oh, so very much.

    As he retreated from the room,
    with a spare gun at his side,
    he walked back into the standard world,
    not leaving even a sign...

    As the girl was still alive, her dying words were:
    "I will avenge myself... As my body lie here, and forever more it shall."
    Determined as she was, her body was still falling into that dark abyss...
    Her ghost, however... stayed. And as she promised — she avanged herself.

    Her ghost had the taste of revenge on the tip of its tounge.
    And that forbidden flavor, tasted oh so very sweet.
    Finally, it said, "Farewell world I once knew. I'm going somewhere better — or worse."
    The ghost casted a final smirk, and joined it's body in the dark abyss.