• Music
    Music blasting
    High note
    Low note
    Sweet notes blending together
    Making sweet music
    Sweet music to my ears
    Swirling around me
    Wrapping me in a blanket of peace
    My restless soul at ease
    Soothing me
    Lulling me
    Into a state of mind I've been searching for
    For so long
    The speakers vibrations
    Creating a pulse
    A pulse
    My pulse
    We are beating as one
    For music is my soul
    A free soul
    Soaring through the sky
    Without a care in the world
    Above all the troubles in the world today
    I soar with my soul
    The music gets louder
    And I soar higher
    The music stops
    And I fall to Earth
    Surrounded by the troubles
    I try to find the beat of my soul
    But I can't find it
    Amidst the troubles
    I have lost my soul
    I have lost music
    Stuck here forever
    With the trouble surrounding me in the world