• With roses wrapped around your wrist and throat
    You decide now is the time to tell about your rocky boat.
    About how unstable it had been, now it would be still forevermore.
    I can barely handle it, as you go into detail about how you couldn't sore.

    You were reject, that i knew.
    The abuse, i could see from your view.
    But the lost hope, and hallow heart?
    Was something i never had, not even from the start.

    The roses are getting tighter, you boat slowly coming to a stop.
    I hold your hand, your words spinning in my ears like a top.
    I can't believe what I'm hearing, i can't believe the blood that's spilling.
    I never saw what was happening. Why didn't i ever see who wasn't willing?!

    I wish i could of stopped the nightmare
    But the roses got you before i could get there.
    Though in reality i would of never been able to save you.
    All I'd manege to do, is make you turn a nasty shade of blue.

    Sadden eyes staring into mine. You soul is done with being abused.
    I couldn't save anyone, especially you, not without making you feel used.
    Because you needed so much i couldn't give, i didn't want your hopes up.
    I wouldn't be your savior, i would have just spilled your almost empty cup.