• The raindrop falls
    My happy falls
    The raindrop keeps going
    My hope keeps going

    My life is as a raindrop
    It falls as do I
    It is a tear of its self
    That may as well become me

    The raindrop is scared
    I am scared
    The raindrop trembles
    I am cold
    The raindrop seems to become smaller
    I don't feel any taller
    I am the same

    My life is as a raindrop
    it falls as do I
    It is a tear of its self
    that may as well become me

    The raindrop sees the ground and screams
    I feel like going off the cliff and do the same
    The raindrop feels the ground it crashes
    Will I too crash?
    but if the raindrop is lucky, it can survive if it has been caught
    i am always caught because i have people around me, people who care
    I am more lucky then the raindrops, most die, and I still haven't