• An admirer from afar; Creepy. Kinda like a stalker.
    Now this feeling in my heart is causing me a bother.
    You were perfect.
    In all my conversations, you were the subject.
    But now I feel pathetic.
    So lonely and apathetic.
    So dumbstruck, you leave me feeling stupid.
    With a lamp of burning hate that has a shine so lucid.
    Men are sick. Love is a lie.
    And that lie is why young maidens suicide.
    I know you don't give a sh*t.
    You're like the rest. Chances are, even a woman you'll hit.
    The first person to show me any sympathy was you,
    that's why I'm so confused as to what I should do.
    To me, even though I "love you", I'd rather think you're dead.
    The choices you make put those thoughts in my head.
    Your just another Chris Brown in the making.
    A sick man with good looks, yet having enough cruelty to leave a woman shaking.
    You disappoint me.
    Blinded by love and I couldn't see,
    you're not who I thought you'd be.
    Thats why this is goodbye.
    Right here, tonight, is where you will die.
    Along with my love and respect for you sir.
    But not like you'll care. My love of you was a thought you'd never conjure.
    Even though you act like such a wh*re,
    you've helped me find a side of me I never knew before.
    I became braver in trying to hold up the conversation.
    Slowly everything brought me to a shocking realization.
    This has to be goodbye if I want to make things right.
    Why get worked up over a guy that has caused me so much strife?
    This has to be goodbye, because you always leave me scarred.
    You stole and broke my heart, then returned it to me in shards.
    This must be goodbye.
    The death of a masochist man who always lies.