• Keeper Of The Ocean-

    'Mermaid!" one hollers, as looking off the boat,
    "A beautiful maiden is keeping a-float!".
    The crew gathers close together, and they peer over the railing,
    but the only thing they see, is in the distance, someone sailing.
    The man claims he saw her, and that he is sober,
    as someone checks a list, and makes sure no one fell over.
    "She looked straight at me, and jumped in mid air!"
    He said these things, while at the water, he stared.
    "A dolphin." one says and nods his head,
    "A Manatee," says another "thats what I read!"
    "But no!" the man claims "She was neither of those!"
    "Her hair was soft yellow, her cheeks were rose!"
    Just then, a splash, and everyone ran to see,
    where a young girl smiled, and swam in the sea.
    She waved her goodbye, but not a word was said,
    then she swam into the distance, as she figured it was time for bed.
    "Trident's daughter" some say, "Controller of Water Motion"
    while for the crew, that day, she is "Keeper Of The Ocean"