• Standing up inside the hallway, she declares to herself, "i am afraid" of everything outside that beautiful conquered careless earth. I want to, but then not. To thee, i mustn't. I am not brave. I cant. no ma'am. What happens if i get hurt? Or if i come to another fear, like falling... wait i am already scared of falling. But what if i get kidnapped, or even killed? I cant take thoses risks.

    If she was brave enough, she would have discovered her outer beauty.
    If she was brave enough, she would have known what the feeling of fresh air felt like.
    If she was brave enough, she would have the guts to make friends.
    If she was brave enough, she would, by now have the self courage to meet that guy of her dreams
    If she was brave enough, she would be walking, free, alone, with no fears, what so ever.