• Do you wonder why you hate me?

    do you wonder why im dark?

    did you think life was a kind soul, walking you joyously through the park?

    Well open up your eyes, blind one.

    theres no flowers here.

    weeds grow aplenty.

    statues of fallen angels on fountains,

    dont reappear.

    Did you think your stainless steel?

    invincible to the wind?

    how about when it blows you down again?

    will you be clean,

    "stainless" one,

    when you fall into the mud?

    or did you ever try to ignore,

    that your crying pools of blood.

    this doesnt open your eyes, blind one?


    maybe, you cant see.

    your stuck into that labled world

    Labled "fake reality"

    To you your pits are lakes.

    To you, your weeds are lushious herbs.

    you take of them, and drink in of them,

    about all you've ever heard.

    but did you EVER notice?

    your happiness never increases?

    Its like your blindly hooked on crank,

    and whiff in the lowly peices.

    Sacrifices of the heart,

    we humans, play a major part.

    labling each other with untrue topics

    untrue "truths"

    being savages, canibals,

    of our own ungodly ruse.



    did you ever

    ONCE think?

    that "this world...may not be what it seems?"

    so when you wonder

    why you hate me

    think about this.

    Did you ever look into your life, and look past your feeble happiness?

    I know its there. i will not lie.

    its sad though, that happiness is barely just a fly.

    covered in your sin now,

    the dry blood,

    encrusted on your hands.

    Now, blind one...

    Do you...

    do you...

    finaly understand?