• When Inspiration strikes me

    He is there through the highs and the lows

    He seems to see me filled with glee

    supporting me no matter how slow

    I may be winding up

    and in case you were wondering

    my answer is yup

    through all my blundering

    he is my muse

    I can always use

    my emotions and words from him

    and even now I will go out on a limb

    those perfect features

    those crystal eyes

    one of God's greatest creatures

    and there are no lies

    between us

    I love you above all else, my muse of such beauty and so sweet.


    You are mine alone, not to be confused with with a sense of duty, shall we meet

    again, again

    tell me you love me

    My olympus, my zeus, my perfectly sculpted hero

    Tell me what do you see

    when you look at me, how nothing comes to zero

    You are my man, you are my life

    Perfect personality

    I am your woman, I am your wife

    You're Mr. Congeniality

    Super friendly you make me smile

    So for now

    just hold me for a while

    And tell me how

    you love me, my wonderful, beautiful muse