• within my headache i consume
    the little matters i pursue
    to the utter most of my displeased
    to be as myself once more..
    so far beyond my perfect plan
    whatever that would have been..
    to only find
    that perfect never existed
    from passing level minded
    to reckless wanting, heart felt longing.
    purity lost such a long time ago
    craving renew to the construed feud within myself
    finding few strengths to turn to..
    a tattered being
    a shattered heart
    a fluttering ill lit soul..
    All held together by shear will alone?
    i don't think so..
    only by fate have i stayed
    pass image of grandure
    of purpose..
    still searching always..
    such is as it should..
    mind warping minding's of such foretold, foreboded..
    only knowing and letting go
    What will be will..
    all will be as it should..
    is all that comforts me it seems..