• Three men died in a bus accident one was a terrorist bomber another was a sumo wrestler and the other one was a pot head. So Satan come and grabs them and pulls them into an elevater from hell he looks at the terrorist bombers and said "i have a challenge for you. You must complete it withing 1,000,000 years if you do youll go back to earth if you dont youll stay in hell forever. You must sleep with 4,000,000 virgins by the time i get back" and the terroist said "ok i can do it" and Satan opened the door to his room and he saw naked women every where. he rubbed his hands together and said "easy" "i hope it is" said Satan and he closed the door smiling. next he turned to the sumo wrestler and said "Ok now its your turn same time limit different task you must eat every inch, crumb, and slice in this room before i get back if you do that youll be free." "Ok ill try" said the sumo and the doors swung open and stacks upon stacks miles upon miles of food was everywhere and Satan kicked him in and laughed. Your next Mr. Mile High and said you have to smoke every inch of weed in this room within the same time limit if you do you'll be sent back if not down into hell. the doors slide open again and he walks in and the doors close behind him (hes way to stoned to talk). 1,000,000 years later Satan comes back and goes down his elevator and opened the door at the terrorists floor he heard banging where the door was and heard screaming on the other side "LET ME OUT LET ME OUT I HAVE 2,000 KIDS MAN SAVE ME!! and Satan on the other side of the door said "well i would but you didnt complete the test you slept with several of the girls 60 times" and he pushed a button sending a the terrorist further into hell. continuing down the elevator Satan hums to the music and laughs because of what he had done reaching. Wreaching the sumo wrestlers floor he opened the door and there was a man as big as a mountain sitting in the middle of the room... the room was spotless nothing anywhere. So you did do it but i cant take you back until i have a bigger elevator or until you get smaller. and he closed the door and heard the sumo cry. he then was laughing out loud and opened the door to the pot heads room and the doors open withh the final swoosh and the trees where 90 times bigger than what they had been and Satan heard him crying in the middle of the field. He walks up to the pot head and says why didnt you smoke it all?" and the pot head looked up and cried "Gotta light" Satan was dumbfounded and said ok ill give you five more days to smoke half of this and throws him a lighter and left. Five days Later Satan returns and comes in and doesnt see any trees and asked "whats happened did you smoke it all" and the pot head smiled and said "nope only half. can i take the rest with me" and points to a gaint stack of bags.