• Everyday I think of you
    A passing thought in the midst of sleep,
    A laugh interrupted in the stream of chatter,
    A cool breeze that comes from beyond

    Bitterness hits at my still open and wounded soul
    Hatred for all that you did to me
    Hatred for the careless love you stifle away
    Hatred for these unwanted, interrupting thoughts

    Memory serves me well of all you did
    You accused me of being everything you were
    You claimed to care for all that was behind you
    You drove the knife into me, as into yourself.

    I cannot stop these thoughts that run amuck
    The joked turned rotten and bitter in its youth
    The blood that bleached the ground red
    The black haired stained with broken promises

    One you said I should remember you
    No chance I will forget you
    No way the vision of your death be erased
    No pain which will ever cease