• The bell rang,
    I hopped from my seat.
    I shoved my papers in my back pack.
    There's no time to be neat!

    I have to hurry if i want to make it.
    I have to hurry or i might miss it.

    I ran out the school doors,
    I jumped onto my bike.
    I rode as fast as i could,
    but soon hit a cow head spike.

    Now my bike is flat.
    I had no Choice but to run.
    It was 1 mile from school to home.
    This will not be fun.

    I have to hurry if I want to make it.
    I have to hurry or i might miss it.

    I ran as fast
    and as long as i could.
    I decided to take a short cut
    through the thin, creepy wood.

    I rushed passed the last tree
    and onto the edge of the side walk.
    I gave a quick glance toward my watch,
    Oh no! It's almost 3 o'clock!

    I have to hurry if i want to make it.
    I have to hurry or i might miss it.

    I ran harder
    and faster than ever before.
    I reached my house
    and slammed open the door.

    I went to the living room
    and turned on the TV.
    I collapsed on the couch
    and went to Channel 3.

    I had to hurry if i wanted to make it.
    I had to hurry, and i just made it.