• "Take me to my friend's house I'll show the way."
    She said in a happy voice,with a big smile,and he listened
    "Take me to the party I'll show the way."
    She said in her happy voice with a big smile,and he listened.
    He took her places far and near.
    He always did what she said with no questions and no reply.
    When he drove she sat in the back and thought,but when she left the car he thought.
    He thought of how he did not know her but he liked her,he thought of how her voice matched her beloved smile.
    He thought of only her.
    He thought of a stranger.
    She came back in the car.
    "Take me to my love." she said.
    "Your already there." he replied and leaned in to kiss her.
    The only one that counts is her,he thought.