• As his hands tighten into fists
    And his nostrils flare,
    His heartbeat increases with fury.

    His mind is flooding with hate-filled statements,
    But he knows better than to say them.
    Instead he clenches his mouth,
    And barricades his heart.

    He slings his bag over his shoulder
    While sliding on his sandals.

    With his head down he plods out the door,
    Gently putting his earphones in
    And blaring calming music.

    With heavy steps he approaches his sanctum.
    He slumps down on a log extended over a creek
    And places his sandals beside him.

    He dips his toes in the cool water,
    Taking in a deep breath.

    As he closes his eyes and exhales,
    He clears his mind of stress.
