• She tells me,
    “You do not look silly.”
    She says,
    “The 80’s are back. And besides,”
    She kisses me
    “Why wouldn’t you want to show off your calves”
    She touches me, quickly and passionately,
    I close my eyes, and I am not imagining hers

    Across a black ocean
    I make excuse for my behavior
    In a friendly Kansas bar
    I am beautiful and horny.
    Driving to a stranger’s apartment
    I am drunk, anyway.

    I am there for 6 days.
    In 6 days, I get the best oral sex of my life.
    In 6 days, I get the worst home haircut of my life.
    When I come home I tell her,
    “Actually, I never liked that thing with your tongue and
    no, I will never go back to Fantastic Sam’s”

    I think, right now, I am completely airborne, like a horse in stride.
    Rushing up, I can see the break.
    The broken dishes and scattered clothes.
    But, for right now, even now
    I love her.
    I lust after her.