• Blackened, Whithered and frayed,
    Defiling this soul with gore portrayed,
    This seductress, With heart in hand, had grayed,
    And tainted his love, Now betrayed.

    Dark fetter clasp my soul,
    Around thy throat, Mine arms behold,
    A hate filled lust in whole,
    This was My heart staked to freezing pole.

    Darkness lies,
    Within his lungs and rotting breath,
    She Sighs,
    The tips of poisoned arrows,Sank in, leaking death.

    Bleeding eyes dry of sight,
    The pain digging them in deeper,
    Fleeting by, flourescent lights,
    The ground met his face, Now weaker,
    Than the force of her love, taking new flights,
    His opposition compared only meager.