• thank you for being my friend
    even if you stabbed me in the end
    so why do i cry
    why do i act like this is the final good bye

    theese words youll never read
    so why do i act like its my final creed
    we will be friend in the morn
    even if my heart is torn

    i wont say im sorry
    and no i wont even worry
    not like you will in the morning

    will it be our final meeting
    will it be our last words fleeing

    you hurt me soo
    and i jut dont know
    how i let someone in
    who hurt me 'nstead of being a friend

    and so i cry and cry
    but you wont see theese words
    you wont see my tears you wont even know
    how thank full i am
    of those memories you gave to me