• Halloween Delight
    by Harllie Quin

    Faces are painted & costumes are on,
    Pumpkins are lit & aglow.
    The children are laughing & dancing about.
    They’re anxious & ready to go.

    With their buckets in hand they rush outside,
    Debating who will gather more treats.
    The girl that dressed up like a pretty fairy,
    Or the brave soldier who refuses defeat?

    They meet up with two friends, a couple of ghosts,
    A gleam of mischief in their eyes.
    The group plans their route, the best route for candy,
    Then march to claim their sweet prize.

    When the hunt is complete & all are back home,
    And candy is properly sorted,
    They crawl into bed & fall fast asleep,
    Dreaming of that which they were rewarded.

    Halloween is great fun & a night to embrace.
    So enjoy it while you’re still small
    Youth doesn’t last & neither does candy,
    So get out & have fun this fall.