• A day has passed since you last left, a year has passed since you died, a month has passed since we loved, and it seems like just a week. Flying by so fast time is never stopping, always faster and faster. Life is a chore we must endure, whether we want to or not. Find your way through to the promised land and enjoy eternity to its fullest if you can, or perish in the hellish land of down below, say goodbye to your existence. It is a never ending fight eternally going on within our souls, the heart deepest hidden within yourself. Find it and prosper and grow, or lose it and pursue through through the pain and hatred through to Mt. Everest, the pinnacle of your existence. Time flies backwards sometimes, leaving you behind if you don't hurry up and wait. Never forget the lessons you learn or the words you say in your mind, lest you be lost in the end.